Volume-1 | Issue-2 [July to December]

Sentiment Polarity for Restaurant Business: An Integrated Approach

 Manik Rakhra  Neha Verma  Shubham Kalihari								

[1],[3] Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab-14411, India

[2] KRM DAV College Nakodar

Correspondence should be addressed to Manik Rakhra, rakhramanik786@gmail.com


Website and social networking outlets have become more and more popular places for people to voice their opinions on different issues, in particular their frustrations with brands and corporations. Similarly, emotion analysis is starting to be incorporated into corporations owing to the existence of an abundance of opinionated content from the digital channels provided by customers. The written narratives may be written in an optimistic, a negative, or a more analytical style. Travellers’ ratings are an important influence on whether the hotel is a beginning or a long-term client. It helps the hotels aware of their worth in the industry, and improves their position by helping customers better define their qualities in a competitive setting. This research’s key goal is to identify ways to improve hotel opinion analyses. Lexical-based combination and deep learning will yield the most appropriate results. Firstly, it uses predefined terms to look for polarity in the lexicon dictionary, and then employs the machine learning techniques as the final layer. The article discusses what is yet to be done and what has been done in the analysis so far.

IEEE : M. Rakhra, N. Verma, and S. Kalihari, “Sentiment Polarity for Restaurant Business: An Integrated Approach,” Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 33–42, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Sentiment-Polarity-for-Restaurant-Business-An-Integrated-Approach.pdf

APARakhra, Verma, & Kalihari. (2022). Sentiment Polarity for Restaurant Business: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 1(2), 33–42. https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Sentiment-Polarity-for-Restaurant-Business-An-Integrated-Approach.pdf

Pushover Analysis- An overview


Abhishek Sharma

Kalinga University, India.

Correspondence should be addressed to Abhishek Sharma, abhisheksharmajandk@gmail.com


Pushover analysis was started used widely in the year 1970 but it’s capability and excellent performance was identified in last 20 years. This technique is majorly used to predict the potency and glide capability of already existing arrangement and shaking requisite for the same existing structure which are subjected to extremely strong earthquakes. This technique can also be employed for verifying capability newly presented structural design. Because of pushover analysis being effective it brought changes to various guidelines like ATC-40 and FEMA-356 and also some changes to design codes like Euro Code 8 and PCM 3724 in past some years.

IEEE : A. Sharma, “Pushover Analysis- An overview,” Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 25–34, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Pushover-Analysis-An-overview.pdf

APA : Sharma. (2022). Pushover Analysis- An overview. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 1(2), 25–34. https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Pushover-Analysis-An-overview.pdf

Seismic Presentation of a Multi Story Building Incorporated with Different Base Isolation Devices Using Pushover Analysis


Abhishek Sharma

Kalinga University, India.

Correspondence should be addressed to Abhishek Sharma, abhisheksharmajandk@gmail.com


Pushover analysis was started used widely in the year 1970 but it’s capability and excellent performance was identified in last 20 years. This technique is majorly used to predict the potency and glide capacity of already existing structure and shaking requisite for the same existing structure which are subjected to extremely strong earthquakes. This technique can also be employed for verifying capability newly presented structural design. Because of pushover analysis being effective it brought changes to various guidelines like ATC-40 and FEMA-356 and also some changes to design codes like Euro Code 8 and PCM 3724 in past some years. Pushover analysis is defined as an analysis in which a mathematical representation openly including the nonlinear weight bending distinctiveness of personal mechanism and fundamentals of the structure shall be subjected to monotonically rising imaginative loads representing inactivity services in a shaking until a objective dislocation is going beyond. Maximum displacement of the structure is the target displacement which is at the roof and is predictable under various selected ground motion of earthquake.

IEEE : A. Sharma, “Seismic Presentation of a Multi-Story Building Incorporated with Different Base Isolation Devices Using Pushover Analysis,” Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 16–24, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Seismic-Presentation-of-a-Multi-Story-Building-Incorporated-with-Different-Base-Isolation-Devices-Using-Pushover-Analysis.pdf

APA : Sharma. (2022). Seismic Presentation of a Multi-Story Building Incorporated with Different Base Isolation Devices Using Pushover Analysis. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 1(2), 16–24. https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Seismic-Presentation-of-a-Multi-Story-Building-Incorporated-with-Different-Base-Isolation-Devices-Using-Pushover-Analysis.pdf



Hera Asif Khan Amina Irshad Saleemur Rahman

M.A., Dept. of Economics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Hera Asif Khan; heraasif05@gmail.com


Crude oil has many important roles to play in the Indian Economy. Its requirement is increasing rapidly in India because it is not only used for fuel but also for making plastics, fiber clothes, medicines etc. India is the third-largest country of Crude oil imports. Whenever the import of crude oil gets disturbed because of oil price fluctuation it harms the balance of payment. So, the main aim of this paper is to show the impact of crude oil price fluctuation on inflation. Whenever the price of crude oil fluctuates it has many indirect effects on Indian Economy but its direct effect is on inflation which plays an important role in economic development. This study has been conducted using time series data from 1995 to 2018. The analysis shows that there is a positive relationship between crude oil price fluctuation and inflation for which I have used the ARDL model.

IEEE : H. A. Khan , A. Irshad , and S. Rahman, “Impact of Crude Oil Price Fluctuation on Inflation in India,” Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 7–15, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Impact-of-Crude-Oil-Price-Fluctuation-on-Inflation-in-India.pdf

APA : Khan , Irshad , & Rahman. (2022). Impact of Crude Oil Price Fluctuation on Inflation in India. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 1(2), 7–15. https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Impact-of-Crude-Oil-Price-Fluctuation-on-Inflation-in-India.pdf

Estimation of GDAP in Agile Software Development


Dasari Venkatesh Manik Rakhra

Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Manik Rakhna; Rakhramanik786@gmail.com


Agile gives various techniques; associations can pick reasonable strategy to actualize dexterity. Among every deft strategy, Scrum is the most well-known starting today. Albeit, spry is well appropriate for huge association with appropriated frameworks. Nimble technique which urges associations to utilize blend of different strategies and mechanization instruments that can be utilized dependent on the application. Henceforth there is a need of talking about zones where deft and mechanization can cooperate and finding various methods of using maximum capacity of lithe techniques alongside computerization apparatuses to accomplish most extreme advantages for the product ventures.

IEEE : D. Venkatesh and M. Rakhra, “Estimation of GDAP in Agile Software Development,” Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–6, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Estimation-of-GDAP-in-Agile-Software-Development.pdf

APA : Venkatesh, & Rakhra. (2022). Estimation of GDAP in Agile Software Development. Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, 1(2), 1–6. https://jesm.in/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Estimation-of-GDAP-in-Agile-Software-Development.pdf